Los Angeles County LA City Business Listing Directory Listings of LA Businesses
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The Los Angeles County Businees Directory is not responsible for any of the advertisers included in the directory. This is an online phone book for Los Angeles County, we take no responsibility for the content or advertisers within. If you have a problem with any companies listed, please contact us.

Do you have a small or large business in Los Angeles County, and want to get good internet exposure for a fair price. We can do it for you. A listing costs only a 30.00 registration fee for 2 years. We will provide a space on our Los Angeles County Business Listing Website, put a thumbnail picture, and an address, e-mail and phone and fax contact points and a paragraph (500 characters max) describing your company, service, home, job or profession. Want us to write some vibrant copy for your company description paragraph? For 20.00 we will take your business and business model and write your 500 characters to make it work. For 30.00 more, we can put a link to your website. Want us to write some vibrant copy for your add? Don't have a website? We can build you a 2 page sub-site linked directly off of our web site for only 175.00. Tell everyone in LA what your business is, and what services you can provide to other Los Angeles County businesses, homeowners, landlords and residents. Don't see a page for your business category? We will create one for you.

Get listed for $30.00 for 2 years, get linked for 30.00 more, and get great search engine exposure for your business.

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in a category, and your listing will always
 remain at the top of the page.
The next listings on the page will be in alphebetical order.
Your listing will always be on top.