Los Angeles Bonsai Trees Tree Nursery Online Bonsai Nurseries Waterfalls Plants Waterfall Bonsais LA
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Alaska Cedar - Large - (Chamecyparis Thoides Andelensis little jamie) Miniature Forest Bonsai Trees | Blue Moss Cypress-Medium Easy Care Bonsai Tree Bonsais Low Maintenance Bonsai Trees Indoor Plants | Brush Cherry-Medium Blooming Bonsai Tree Bonsais Miniature Growing Tree Displays Houseplants | Chinese Elm - Large Ulmus Parvifolia Hardy Evergreen Bonsai Tree Easy Indoor Care Houseplant Bonsai | Chinese Elm-Extra Large Ulmus Parvifolia Bonsai Tree Evergreen | Chinese Flowering White Serissa - Tree of a Thousand Stars - (Serissa Japonica) | Citrus Tree | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title | New page title

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Flowering Rosemary  (rosmarinus officinalis) Flowering Rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis)

Native to the Mediterranean sea coast, Rosemary is an evergreen plantwith narrow, arromatic dark green leaves that are the source of the herbRosemary. It bears small clusters of light lavender blue flowers inspring and summer. Add a fresh touch to your meals with the clippingsfrom this bonsai tree. Keep outdoors. 13 years old. 22" tall. Suitable 8"x10" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $4.95 (50%off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS 2-3 days $29.95.

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