This Sea Clear aquarium has a built in wet dry filter for a saltwater reef tank habitat. A wet/dry filter is the
best way to maintain a saltwater tank water quality. The wet-dry filter will support corals and anenomes with proper lighting
and water treatment. Make sure the Ph and salinity stay in tolerance.
Stressed out? Having problems falling asleep at nite? Here's a great way to fall asleep.
Set up a 6 gallon tank on a dresser, across from the bed. Set the lights on a timer, so if you go to bed at 10:30, and
fall asleep at 11:00, have the lights in the tank turn off at 11:10 or so. Have the timer turn the tank on just before you
wake up for an easier start to the day too.
A good mix of Danios, Small Tetras, African Dwarf Frogs, Guppies, and Ghost Catfish work well. A 6 gallon tank
will support 12-15 small fish and frogs, with a 20% water change every 2 weeks and regular carbon changes.
The Sea Clear kit makes a great Reef Nano Tank setup. With a small saltwater aquarium, a good skimmer and mini wet-dry
sytstem, a full blown reef tank can be achieved. A good way to run mini nanoreef tanks is to use a larger sump tank below,
from 25-60 gallons. The large sump tank is hidden, while a very stable nano reef is displayed.